• Brokedown Palace, Reprise BBS

    From Shaggy@VERT/AMIGACTY to SBL on Tue Jan 9 03:00:00 2024
    Name: Brokedown Palace, Reprise BBS
    Birth: 01/09/24
    Software: WWIV
    Sysop: Shaggy
    e-mail: Shaggy@amigacity.xyz
    Web-site: countrylane.stevensouthworth.net/bbs.htm
    Location: Tassajara, Ca
    Telnet: palace.brokedownpalace.online:2323
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 1
    Users: 1
    Desc: Reprise of the Brokedown Palace BBS from the early
    Desc: 90's. Previously based out of central
    Desc: Pennsylvania, now hosted out of NorCal.Featuring
    Desc: several networks (Fido, LinuxNet, FSXNet,
    Desc: Micronet) jump to BBSLink and Doorparty.

    "name": "Brokedown Palace, Reprise BBS",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "Shaggy",
    "email": "Shaggy@amigacity.xyz"
    "service": [
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "address": "palace.brokedownpalace.online:2323",
    "port": 23
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 1,
    "types": [
    "network": [],
    "description": [
    "Reprise of the Brokedown Palace BBS from the early",
    "90's. Previously based out of central",
    "Pennsylvania, now hosted out of NorCal.Featuring",
    "several networks (Fido, LinuxNet, FSXNet,",
    "Micronet) jump to BBSLink and Doorparty."
    "total": {
    "users": 1,
    "doors": 0,
    "dirs": 0,
    "subs": 0,
    "files": 0,
    "msgs": 0,
    "storage": 0
    "location": "Tassajara, Ca",
    "software": "WWIV",
    "web_site": "countrylane.stevensouthworth.net/bbs.htm",
    "first_online": "2024-01-09T05:20:38.564Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.68
    ■ Synchronet ■ Sent from the Amiga City BBS